What you'll find here

This blog shares my life with you. Not the nappy changes or holidays or silly pictures of my cat part, but the diet and weightloss journey part. You will no longer find any specific diet on here, but rather the JANIE diet (as a very wise blogger suggested)
It's about what works for me and I really do hope you find lots of inspiration here and lots of super yummy food. If you still want the Dukan versions of stuff, please comment at the end of a given post and I'll be MORE than happy to give you my Dukan take on any of my recipes.

Friday 23 March 2012


Hi Guys

I have been out of action for a few days now, I had two very stressful exams, but they're over now (for the time being anyway) and I am back to Blog forth.

This morning I had a startling realisation, and not the good kind.  And what is even more shocking about it is that an entire month passed and it only dawned on me at the end of it.

In this whole month I only lost 2 kg.

I don't understand how this is possible!  Could it be exam stress related?  I sure hope so, but in that case I'd better brace myself for a bad month of May too...and this in spite of being soooo good!

A few posts ago I told you about my friend that told me to do it one day at a time to take every day as it comes, and avoid getting overwhelmed by the bigger picture.  I now have to pay heed to her advice more than ever and just take every day as it comes.  I know if I persist, I will be rewarded. (insert concerned but hopeful face)
And, I just went back and read Flamidwyfe's post again about Gandhi, this will really make my day better, as she promises! :)

My hubby suggested this morning that we do 3 days of attack again, not that we're doing anything wrong, but just to loose some again, not for the sake of loosing, but to get our spirits up again - he's also only lost about 3kg this month.  I think he has a good idea.

So now I suppose I owe you a recipe... :)

I had to really scour my brain now, since I haven't cooked anything fun for a while now due to exams!  But here you go:


  • 1 kg of ultra lean mince, such as ostrich or venison, or just buy the lean beef yourself and ask for it to be ground, you'd be surprised to learn the amount of fat that is allowed by law in lean mince you buy pre-packaged.
  • 1 large or 2 medium onions, grated coarsely
  • 2 teaspoons of garlic salt
  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran
  • 2 cups of finely grated carrot
  • 2 packets of lean bacon, diced finely( translates into about 340g. lean bacon packages are smaller than regular bacon in this country - like no one'd notice!!)
  • good hand full of chopped Italian parsley
  • good hand full of chopped fresh coriander
  • pepper to taste
  • 3 large eggs
Mix together all the ingredients and roll into the size meatballs that you prefer.
Now, there are two ways in which you can cook these, probably depending on what your Mama taught you. I like to place them in an oven proof dish and bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
You could also make them small and brown them in a pan, cover with a tin of chopped tomatoes and cook them in that,
If you flatten them, you have great tasting hamburger patties, that can go on the grill!

I hope you enjoy them!

Have a great day and God bless
Janie B


  1. I totally agree with your friend, one day at a time! You'd drive yourself mad otherwise.
    Attack for a few days definitely sounds like a good idea.
    If my weight loss slows, its either not eating enough, not drinking enough, too much salt, TOTM or lack of sleep.
    Great sounding recipe! Another one to add to my growing list. Take care xoxo

    1. I think salt may be an issue, I normally don't put a lot of salt in my food, BUT I am totally addicted to biltong (dried cured meat in South Africa), it's always super lean, but still, the salt...
      thanks for the support!!

  2. Oh man those sound so good. I wonder if I can get ostrich meat anywhere here in Canada...

    Don't let the weight loss bother you sweetie, one time Prawn was on a 6 week plateau, where he gained 2 lbs and then stuck there... for 6 weeks! And that man weighs himself every day!
    In the end he has lost 107 lbs in 9 months, and counting. So it does eventually drop!

    I would definetally do a mini attack phase to keep yourself motivated, or cut down on your portion sizes, that always seemed to help me.

    Good luck!

  3. Aww, glad to hear it's not only me, jeez, he still dropped at breakneck speed! My total weightloss also has to be about in that range, I hope I'm not falling behind!

    Thanks for the cheer:)

  4. You're doing great, Janie... stress can definitely be a factor! The meatballs sound FABULOUS!!! Going to see if I can get some lean ground beef here in China from the place I order from. :)

  5. Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'll definitely push on...Good luck with the mince, you can use any venison too!

  6. Janie, darling, DONT DO THE ATTACK AGAIN! its not a good idea. Dr. Dukan says it makes your body to be confuse and it can compromise the rest of your dukan journey, dont do it!
    If you are a stall point it may be bexause of stress and all that, yes, but it could be too much dairy. cut dairy for a few days and see how that plays out. Trust me, it will help!
    love, hanna
