What you'll find here

This blog shares my life with you. Not the nappy changes or holidays or silly pictures of my cat part, but the diet and weightloss journey part. You will no longer find any specific diet on here, but rather the JANIE diet (as a very wise blogger suggested)
It's about what works for me and I really do hope you find lots of inspiration here and lots of super yummy food. If you still want the Dukan versions of stuff, please comment at the end of a given post and I'll be MORE than happy to give you my Dukan take on any of my recipes.

Monday 16 January 2012

Beating cravings

Hi Guys
So today is day 8, yes, in two days I can eat vegetables!!! I have never been so excited about vegetables in my life!
My husband and I are both doing this diet and have been debating whether we should take the 5/5 or 1/1 approach and decided on 1/1. I think both of us are pretty fed-up with pure protein right now. Plus both our weights have started to stagnate for the last 3 days, which really puts a damper on all my former enthusiasm...

Today was a very bad day for me in terms of cravings, what a battle! I ended up eating so much, but only stuck to what I'm allowed (HUGE pat on own back). Right here I'd like to send a shout-out to the good people at Jello-O for inventing sugar free pudding making the most delicious pudding virtually out of thin air, a real diet-saver! But when the pudding didn't really kill my craving (for tennis biscuits of all things!?)I turned to Google, at first looking for ways to kill a craving, most of the advice I got was absolute rubbish, making me salivate even more over the thought of that crumbly, buttery, coconutty cookie. Just for the record, I'm a candy eater, I never have cookies, don't even like the stuff, so I have NO idea where this craving came from! Then, after reading through piles of bad advice (probably written by super models, trying to stave off a celery craving) I started looking for pictures of thin ladies to inspire me, and ended up finding hosts of websites showcasing before and after photo's and some really amazing stories, even of people way fatter than I am! 
This was helpful, as right now, I really have a hard time finding people that are fatter than me when I go grocery shopping...

So now I know where to turn when the craving strikes, I do hope it's good effect won't wear off after a while. And I really hope this tip helps you keep your cravings at bay too!

Anyway, I've been fantasising about what I'm going to make for our reintroduction to veggies! I was thinking herbed grilled vegetables with fat-free Feta cheese (yes, very excited about my find) or perhaps a Mediterranean green bean stew...decisions decisions.

Stay tuned for more posts of delicious recipes that I will post as I make them up:) of course only after making and trying them on my personal lab rat and gorgeous husband.

Have a good evening and God bless,

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