What you'll find here

This blog shares my life with you. Not the nappy changes or holidays or silly pictures of my cat part, but the diet and weightloss journey part. You will no longer find any specific diet on here, but rather the JANIE diet (as a very wise blogger suggested)
It's about what works for me and I really do hope you find lots of inspiration here and lots of super yummy food. If you still want the Dukan versions of stuff, please comment at the end of a given post and I'll be MORE than happy to give you my Dukan take on any of my recipes.

Thursday 12 January 2012


Hi guys

A week or so before Christmas, I was shopping for a book gift for my mother-in-law and somehow ended up with a copy of the Dukan diet book in my hand.  I bought it and took it home and couldn't stop reading!

I am 6ft tall and to say that I'm struggling with weight would be an understatement.  Never being a skinny child, but not fat either, the weight started piling on during puberty, reaching 97kg at age 17.  a Ridiculous diet of carrots, water and pseudo-ephedrine helped me to loose 27kg and I looked INCREDIBLE. 

So began my lifelong struggle with appetite suppressants, not only do they make you feel good and energised and positive, but they keep you skinny and I soon realised that I couldn't live without them, if I omitted even for a day, I would binge eat like there were no tomorrow.  For the next 10 years of my life this battle continued, at times I'd feel guilty and stop the pills, accepting whatever wheight gain ensued, but as soon as the scales tipped +10kg, I relented to the appetite suppressants, quickly dropping the weight again, and the vicious cycle repeating itself over and over again.

Fortunately for me, about 5 years ago, the particular appetite suppressant that I was abusing (yes, I said the "A" word, was taken off the market as over-the-counter medication and I was forced to stop.  In that same year I got married - a radiant skinny bride with the most gorgeous wedding pictures imaginable.
But with no drugs, in 4 years, I managed to gain 42kg.  I went from  a size 35 to a size 42.  In the last four years, I've been on so many diets, most not lasting more that a week or so due to my poor self control.

In September of 2010, a friend told me about the Cohen diet, and I immediately signed up, although I was very sceptical.  I stuck with the diet for just over 2 months and lost a whopping 20kg, only to gain back 30 in the next 12 months - both incredible and embarrassing!

So now you that you know a little more about me, I hope that you will accompany me into this new journey that I am about to embark on - Dukan Diet.  I feel different this time, I feel highly motivated, I started with the Attack phase 4 days ago, 6 more days to go until I reach the cruise phase.

To aid me and motivate me, I use a calorie counter app for iPhone, I know you're not supposed to count calories on Dukan, but it keeps me motivated as hell!!

In this blog I will share with you my journey back to 70kg and those size 34 skinny jeans and to boot, delicious Dukan-friendly recipes! (my love for cooking is perhaps what got me into trouble in the first place )

I bid you a good night, God bless

Janie B


  1. Hey girl! I have been following your blog religiously :p
    Mind checking me out and giving me some tips?
    I have just started my experience and I would love any advice.


  2. HI Sunny! I don't think I'm a very good blogging role model, I don't post that frequently, I think the key to getting people to read your stuff is to post on a regular basis! I hope you stand strong through this journey and that you succeed with flying colours!
