What you'll find here

This blog shares my life with you. Not the nappy changes or holidays or silly pictures of my cat part, but the diet and weightloss journey part. You will no longer find any specific diet on here, but rather the JANIE diet (as a very wise blogger suggested)
It's about what works for me and I really do hope you find lots of inspiration here and lots of super yummy food. If you still want the Dukan versions of stuff, please comment at the end of a given post and I'll be MORE than happy to give you my Dukan take on any of my recipes.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Long time, no see!

Hi there!

I've had to take a moment to dust the spiderwebs off this blog just now...
My life has been so busy over the last month, however the diet has been going so well!
I was just reading an amazing interview that a magazine did with my friend who's lost more than two thirds of her original body weight - wow, what an inspiration! She is so determined and hear mind seems to be in such a good place! Please take a moment and read this, it is awe inspiring!
I can't tell you how happy I am that I've lost just over 13kg, it is making such a huge difference, but it does pale in comparison to the amount of weight I still have to loose...
The trick seems to be not to get overwhelmed by the big picture, but to do the best you can every day, as my aforementioned friend taught me.
Any way, enough with the serious stuff, there have been a couple of awesome recipes since I last posted on here.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a major stew craving and the thought of giant hearty pot of ratatouille dawned on me...
Ratatouille is such an obvious diet food, so easy to prepare and above all, SO versatile, so I really recommend making a huge big pot full and saving the left-overs in little zip lock bags in the freezer.

  • 2 large aubergine
  • a packet of baby marrows
  • a couple of bell peppers, different colours
  • 3 tins of chopped tomatoes
  • some diced carrots
  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • a few sprigs of thyme and oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste

This is so simple, really just chop everything up and chuck it in a big pot, a slow cooker is even better and let it simmer until everything is soft and all the flavours have infused.
Honestly, this stuff only gets better after a day or two spent in the fridge, AND you can basically put anything you have in the fridge into it!
It is especially yummy with breakfast, I like to heat up a few spoon fulls and serve it with hot scrambled eggs, along with a spoon full of chunky fat free cottage cheese. Or, the other day, I heated some in a small oven-proof dish, along with some diced low fat Vienna's and made two dents in it with a spoon and cracked an egg into each hole and baked in the oven till the eggs are cooked to your preference.
I hope you will have fun with this recipe and I hope I will continue to make your diet easier with yummy recipes!

Good night to you, God bless

Janie B

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